Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Opening Sequence/ Final Task

     This video is my movie opening. It's approximately two minutes long. I worked with new members for this project: Mariapaula, Darwin, and Rafael. My group and I started working on researching genres for this video back in January. It feels like it's been years since then. We had come up with many pitches but I'm glad we chose this one. After all, it was the one I had suggested. Mariapaula might say it was hers but I distinctly remember the call on which I suggested it. I probably remember it so vividly because I was very busy when she called I had to step away from my family for a second and stand behind some bushes. Returning to the subject at hand, the video shows a girl and a man getting ready at the same time. The girl is a regular teenager who plans on going to a party. The man is her driver who plans on kidnapping her. The opening sequence would show the before of what would happen in the rest of the movie. My plan for the scenes was to have their actions to be in sync. Whether this was accomplished or not, I'm not completely sure. Either way that was just an element I wanted, it was not necessary but I wanted it to be cool. The plot itself is solid, with or without the extra effects I originally wanted. Once we completed about two month's worth of research and planned out our movie opening accordingly, we began to film. The process began in mid to late February. Above, the product of that filming process is shown. During filming, my group and I experienced problems we never have before. We had a case where some of the footage we had filmed was accidentally deleted, a car go missing and a very slow actor.  Despite all the problems we faced, we got the job done. I'm proud of my group for getting this done in only two days. Filming has proved to be quite fun and I'm confident in saying that I'm glad I took AICE Media.

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